
Thursday, March 10, 2011

School, recreation and guilds. Meanwhile, Politians rip the state of Wisconsin apart...

Another half of a semester over, another grade comes in. I received a B in Writing for New Media, a requirement for the Social Media Certificate, which I am hoping to finish next school year. It's a 12 credit certificate, and I am half way done. I would be farther, but due to my Journalism certificate I will be finishing up this semester, and the need to start some math and science classes to transfer to a four-year college, I am a little bit behind.

The B will bring down my GPA, but I'm planning on staying above a 3.0 and not shooting for a whole lot more, to be honest, especially with both math and science in my near future. As well, I intend to take a basic InDesign class next semester, and some other out-of-my-area classes, to expand my journalistic abilities in general.

In other news, my computer came in. $1,200 well spent, on a new MSI gaming laptop. I will, naturally, use this for computer and work as well, but the application for gaming and recreational will be a welcome site in my life.

That, and I can now watch my movies and such from my room, which will be nice, though hardly necessary. I suppose being able to watch Star Trek from my room will be a welcome change of pace.

I'm hoping to begin gaming again with my old guildies, the Soldiers of the Wasteland (SotW). I met them first when playing the game Hellgate: London a few years back, and haven't been able to get into a full-scale game with them since. Truly, a pity, as they are great people and excellent people.

On a more serious note, political unrest has gripped my state, and it is unnerving. As it continues, I am questioning more and more the legal system and political system set in place in these, the great United States of America, that strives to be the best in the world and perform at the top of all things.

However, every step we take into this new century, we seem to take backwards. President Barack Obama started the states on the right foot in 2008 when he took office, passing many laws in his first few weeks and even closing down Guantanamo Bay, a huge hypocrisy in the American name. However, he has begun to falter after two years of political office, allowing for the Bay's reopening and beginning to "compromise" with the Republicans, relenting to changes in the way he does business to appease them.

Do not get me wrong, a President that does not listen to half of a nation is not a good President. However, compromising on your base principals is no way to run a country honorably, and is only leading to the continued suffering of many Americans.

On a local level, Madison has become "ground-zero" for the fight against the GOP, demanding the right to collectively bargain as a Union entity and keep ourselves from losing 50 years of hard work and compromise through negotiation. However, the people fighting seems to mean nothing to our Republican Governor, Scott Walker, who believes that an uncompromising stance is the only way to achieve results.

As peaceful protests continue to rage on, the GOP and their supporters around the nation have shed dishonest light upon us, and it is truly disheartening to see how many of these people exist within my home country. Calling us "chaotic, sloppy, unimportant college students looking to party and sleep with our girlfriends in the Capitol building" really makes me wonder why the human species has gone through so much evolution, only to become a pack of lying, xenophobic people who cannot embrace any change, unless it comes attached to a dollar sign and a positive symbol.

My path with God has never been an easy one. I am constantly faced with challenges, moral and spiritual, that come my way, and I try to face them head on and figure out what is right, as well as act on that. I wish that there was a clear line of what I should and should not do, think and should not think, but people constantly affect my mind, making me wonder if I can survive in this world.

I need a Spring Break... Without working 32 + hours.