Did I even mention that I sometimes randomly capitalize words? I used to have the mindset that it made people feel as though those words were more important, and never seem to have broken the habit.
Oh well.
Watching the Packer game today, NFC Championship game against the Bears at Chicago. Many people have been saying that this game is one of the most important games of the Packers/Chicago rivalry, and as this is my first season of actually caring about Football, this is a pretty awesome game. As I type this, it's 14-0 Packers, with less than 10 minutes in the second half.
We can only hope that the small bit of momentum that the Bears have started to build up goes nowhere. GO PACKERS!
Moving on...
Before the game started, I was hoping to get some World Indigenous Languages homework done, what with a variety of reading assignments from the current book due. I believe I am only supposed to read pages 1-8, 18-21 and 23-24, but the teachers have assigned the rest of the text for the next two weeks and I want to get as much done as possible.
Not going so well, thanks to the Packer game on. Oh well.
I also have a reading assignment for my Writing for New Media class, but I'll get to that later.
And lastly, I have begun to get involved with both the Madison Area Technical College clubs, Chess club and Ultimate Frisbee club.
With Chess, I went to a tournament in the last week of December, and I will be attending more in the next few months. Likewise, I will be attending Ultimate tournaments, both indoor and out, over the next three months.
The largest of these Ultimate tournaments would be the High Tide tournament, taking place over Spring Break, which will host over 175 Ultimate college teams in Georgia. One of the most exciting parts of this tournament will be seeing old teammate Jackson Eagan, who will be (most likely) playing for Ithaca college in our division.
Overall, life is simply exciting. I need a haircut and to start working out, as well as putting money away for a new bicycle, and just start changing my life wherever possible. Hopefully it will all be for the better.
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